Advanced Teacher Training
A 3-Module Course For Teachers & Dedicated Students | Continued Education Credits
Supported by Satsangam
This training will revolutionize the way you perceive and experience practice.
Led by Bibi Lorenzetti, Alex Tse, Jacquie Brown, Nina Rao, Masha Schmidt, John Campbell, and special guest Claudia Welch
Shift Your Perspective
If you already have a dedicated Yoga practice, deepen your understanding & challenge yourself in a nourishing and inspiring environment.
This training will revolutionize the way you think about, experience and perceive asana practice. The content shared will open your heart, shift your perception and change you as a human and as a teacher.
Expand Your Knowledge
Independent of your lineage, this training will expand your knowledge of Yoga, blessing it with great depth and insight.
For all teachers and students who feel a calling to delve more intimatly into the physical, philosophical, and practical aspects of yoga. In this training you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the philosophy and mechanics of Yoga through workshops, practice, discussion and self-reflection.
Delve more fully into the physical, philosophical, practical, and professional dimensions of yoga.
This training reflects our commitment to the importance of personal development as practitioners and instructors. Having a dedicated personal practice and continued course of study is what allows teachers to keep growing. The core of our trainings rest in the qualities of honesty (satya), discipline (tapas), self-observation (svadhyaya), kindness (maitri), compassion(karuna), and delight (mudità).
Our hope is that through gaining this deeper understanding of Yoga, we are contributing to creating a sangha rooted in peace. A Sangha that extends from this cohort into their homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities.

2025 NYS Advanced Yoga
Teacher Training Schedule
3 Module Training • 5 Weekends Per Module
100hrs. Per Module • 1-On-1 Mentorship Hours • Personal Research Project
In-Person & Online Classes Available
Take The Full Training (Only 20 spots) Or Pick A Module
Training Schedule
May 16 - June 29
March 15 - May 14
Yoga as a vehicle for enlightenment
Mapping the Context: Enhancing the Learning and Teaching of Indian Wisdom Traditions
Anatomy from the lense of longevity of practice
The Subtle body
Mapping the nervous system and the organs of the body
Asana Lab: The Relationship and role of Prana, Apana, & Bandhas
Pranayama: Vayus & the Anatomy of breath
Pranayama Level 1
The brain stem & The Vagus Nerve
Assist Clinic
Psychology of Pain & therapeutic aspects of practice
Chanting practice: Vedic chanting
Introduction to Tibettan Buddhist Philosophy
Asana Lab/Assist Clinic
Applied anatomy
Vedic Chanting, Gayatri Mantra, Upasana & Japa
Intro to Sanskrit
Sanskrit applied
Pranayama Level 2
Trauma Informed Teaching
Pranayama Level 2
Yoga Sutras - intro, study & chanting of all padas
Karma, Jñana & Bhakti Yoga
The devatas & Deity Yoga
Midfulness & Meditation
Intro to the great epics
The Hanuman Chalisa: history, study & chanting
Mindfulness and Social Justice
The quiet practices: Yin & Restorative
Qui, yin and yang and the 5 element theory
The Eight Fold Path
October 4 - December 6
Join Our 2025 Cohort
“The reverence to the practice presented by the teachers was truly transformational. Other aspects of the teacher training that will remain with me are the devotion to tradition and the various aspects of a well-rounded practitioner” Ilana
Meet Your Instructors
The Practice of Yoga Is Continually Evolving
As teachers, our work is to continue to explore the practice with open hearts and minds. The skills and knowledge imparted through this training are designed to deepen the understanding of the practice of Yoga, and give you insight into the mechanics and subtleties that exist beneath the practice.
The intention of this training is to provide you with a detailed insight and understanding into asana through the lense of the pranic, subtle body. We will be taking a deep dive into: how prana works; what the subtle body is and how it works; the relationship between asana and the nervous system; applied anatomy; pranayama; meditation as practice; the art of assisting as a form of guidance for correct prana circulation; deep study of the Yoga Sutras; Vedic chanting; Ayurveda; Sanskrit and so much more.
Your personal practice and continuing exploration will expand upon and ripen the skills and knowledge described here:
• Advanced asana study, including sequencing, yoga therapy, anatomy, assists
• Pranayama and meditation
• Lineage and history of yoga
• Immersive study and discussion of yogic philosophies
• Sanskrit pronunciation and chanting
• Skill-building for effective and accessible meditation and pranayama instruction
• Relationship between yoga and social justice
• Yoga Sutra Chanting
• Foundational Vedic Chants
• Advanced hands on assists
• Subtle Body
• Bandhas & Mudras
• Harmonium Basics
• A dedicated asana, pranayama, meditation, and chanting practice
• Confidence in teaching dharma, chanting and deeper aspects of practice
• A teaching style for more advanced levels
• An authentic connection with the philosophy of yoga
• Intelligent advanced sequencing
• Mastery in the art of assisting
• Experience in your practice and observe its principles in daily life
• Inclusive communities
• Final research project/presentation and mentorship
• Ayurveda
• Sanskrit
• Deity Yoga
• Advanced Pranayama practices
• Vedic Chanting
• An anatomically-informed approach to working with the body
• Sukshma Sharira, Chakras, Nadhis and an inword approach to working with the body
• An anatomically-informed approach to the nervous system
• A Yin approach to practice
• Trauma-informed teaching techniques
• Becoming comfortable chanting with a harmonium
• Asana, pranayama, and meditation
• Lineage, history, and philosophy
• Anatomy and physiology
• Chanting and Sanskrit
• Ayurveda
• Applied Anatomy
• Yoga, social justice and ethics
• Build your own workshops
Visit our FAQ page for contact information and answers to all of our most frequently asked questions. FAQ >
$3,700 Members | $4000 Non-Members
$750 due upon registration
Full Training
$1,200 Members | $1,400 Non-Members
$750 due upon registration
Per Module
Non- Refundable Deposit
Scholarships and payment plans are available upon request. Email us to inquire.