Noah Hoffeld

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What His Students Have to Say

“I felt seen and heard every single session and that was so powerful and affirming. There is something that happens when the teacher looks at and listens to the student, really sees and hears them, that is hard to quantify. I appreciated learning more about meditation but the consequence of the engagement was that I also learned a lot about my self.”
— Lisa C.

About Noah

Meditation Teacher, Newburgh Yoga Shala

Student to Teacher Journey

A cellist and songwriter, Noah Hoffeld was a personal student of Ram Dass, an experience that changed his outlook on life forever.  Noah began learning yoga and meditation twenty-five years ago, and today enjoys the study and practice of Buddhist philosophy and meditation under the guidance of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. He became a teacher of mindfulness meditation through his Krishna Das bandmate, David Nichtern and the Dharma Moon teacher training, in partnership with Tibet House US. Noah provides online mindfulness training to rural New Yorkers living with cancer, through the Compassionate Care Foundation. 

Teaching Style & Influences

In class, Noah emphasizes the power of meditation to reduce stress and boost our joy, using the simple but powerful methods of mindfulness and heart-centered practice, and incorporating teachings from beloved guides like Sharon Salzberg, Pema Chödrön and Joseph Goldstein. Noah encourages students to explore their own unique minds and gain clarity about ways they can enjoy more happiness and freedom in life, and help others to do the same. Mindfulness gives us the ability to truly be here now, the only place, Ram Dass said, where we can be who we truly are. 

Additional Interests

Enjoying community, being outdoors, staring at the sky

Media Mentions