Opening And Closing
The counterpart to opening is closing, tightening. As you move through the asanas and life, where do you see yourself becoming rigid in themind and body. Usually this happens with things, people or situations we are averse to. In contrast, things, people or situations that we are attached to, they bring us joy etc are a bit more easier to open up to and bring more ease. In light of this, can we use the lens of mindfulness to bring that to our mats and just notice when these subtle tightenings happen in poses that we may be averse to or find challenging. Likewise in poses that we are attached to and think we have found comfort and rest in, can we still remain present to exploring the balance of effort (stirha) and ease (sukha) so that there is even more opening of the mind and body in the pose. Further blossoming like the lotus, slowly opening, finding the subtle changes in the body and mind so there is no holding or attachment or detachment, but just bliss and awareness.
Join Stefanie Vidal in class.